Yesterday, yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…
Left work at 4pm – walked out with one of those “I dare anybody to say something” look on my face.
Operation leave at 3pm wasn’t so successful, but operation leave at 4pm was the stuff African dictatorships are made of. I did feel a bit like a delinquent, especially since there was still so much to do. I totally looked like I was off to a meeting with one of our Clients, but ha-aaah, got outside, chucked everything in the boot and proceeded to put Gwen Stefani and E-V-E on blast as I exited our office park.Woohooo!
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So, exactly where was I off to? First on the list was Clicks (across the road) to buy boring things like laundry detergent and fabric softener and after that I had to meet my mantor at the Marion on Nicol.
Skipped the tea and had a glass of Chardonnay instead. The weather was perfect and the thought of sipping a hot cuppa tea didn’t sound so appealing after all. I’ve been postponing this meeting for quite a while (I haven’t done half of the things I’d said I’d do) so it was good to sit down, take stock, reassess and leave with fresh plan of action. I also need to draw up a plan for my personal life *sigh*.
Next stop was supposed to be A*’s belated drinks, instead an email came in announcing:
Guys, my plane had problems with a wheel, so had to turn around and come back to ctn. Don't know how long it's gonna take to get us back in the air, but probably only back in Jozi very late tonight.
So will have to reschedule drinks for another day :-(.
Sorreeeeee :-(
I was thinking oh ok, damn, off home then.
Maybe I’ll watch some TV and get crack-a-lacking on those overdue reports…
Then, V* (never say die) squashed A*’s “no party” email flat:
No ways!! We will still go and you will join us when u get here we only hooking up @ 8h30 anyway!!
We r still on guys
See u at Metro
I was killing myself with laughter at this point.
Luckily the birthday girl, saved the night with her good news:
I'm on the next flight bitches!! See u at metro!!
Loves it! So I went back home for a bit and waded through my emails. The day just kept on getting funnier and funnier: SLV* had called earlier but I’d missed her call and finally got hold of her at about 8pm… all she wanted to know was whether or not I happened to have comps to Sexpo – laugh wan kill me die. I couldn’t stop laughing; SLV* is one of my “prissy” friends and for her to be calling at 8pm to check whether I had tickets before she pays for some at the door was absolutely hilarious. I’m not that much of a prude but Sexpo has never called my name, SLV*? Sexpo is powerful!
Left at about 8:30 pm for Metro!
What I drank (tried to drink):
The Moscow Mule |
Wikipedia’s description of this dangerous looking cocktail is as follows:
A Moscow Mule is a buck or mule cocktail made with vodka, ginger beer, and lime which was popular during the vodka craze in the United States during the 1950s. The name refers to the popular perception of vodka as a Russian product.
Okay, I can work with that.
Vodka, ginger beer and lime – that’s what I thought I was getting.
What the hell is the red stuff then? It tasted like medicine, just foul.
A* termed it the Hungarian Donkey.
I had to take a picture as evidence, so that if anything happened to me everyone would know who/what the culprit was (more like which donkey did it).
Note to self: stop trying out new interesting sounding cocktails esp. those with Russian links.
A*’s Birthday Cupcakes: |
I missed the sparklers; I was too busy rummaging around in my bag for the camera and by the time I got it outta the bag it was too late. No one could resist the red velvet and the chocgasm cupcakes. V* says she got them from Melt in Benomore.D-damn-delicious!
At the end of the night, V* was still campaigning for us to go to Cocoon: asking me how I thought I was going to meet a man at home? In my bed? Lol. A*’s husband (Pastor of Fun M*) preaches the same thing over and over again, he even went as far as to ask, “Do you think you’re going to meet him at church, maybe? Ha ha *side-eye*, he’s a joker this one.
Then, V* asked me a weighted question esp. for that time of night, she asked me: do you think that just because you’re a “good girl” that the universe is going to reward you with a fabulous man. My first thought was, not necessarily, but a bigger part of me was like hell yeah, I believe it will. I’m as good as I can be and try to behave myself as best I can (haven’t always – but I try), so yes, I would like to think that good does still get rewarded? Maybe? I need to get myself out of the land of Care Bears, Paddington Bear and My Little Ponies sharpish?
Finally got home at 23:56pm, prayer-hoping that I didn’t have any morning meetings planned, my voice was incredibly raspy from all the smoke.
P.S. V* did go to Cocoon AND she did make her 8am conference call. Hero move.
She's definitely making Lewis Hamilton look like he drives a Toyota!
I believe!
Toodles Lovelies!
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