Sunday, 31 July 2011
Day 13: My opinion about my body
Okayish, at the moment: petite, pear shaped, dangerously curved, enough ass, small waist, flat stomach and size 3 feet. What makes it okayish? pinch sized boobs, unmanicured nails (I need to fix this pronto), and stretch marks. I’ve probably gained 2, 5 kgs and I think I’m starting to see some orange peel threat and “enough ass” has also changed to plenty ass.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Day 12: Five Guys I Find Attractive
Friday, 29 July 2011
Thursday – Party Hoppaiing
Part 1:
Our team hosted yesterday’s bar evening (Our Big Fat Greek Bar Thursday):
The invite read:
Πέμπτη φραγμών !!!
(Bar Thursday)
(Bar Thursday)
μας ενώστε για ένα ποτό ή επτά
(Join us for a drink or 7)
η οποία Έλληνα θεό ή θεά είσαι - κλικ εδώ για να μάθετε
Which Greek god or goddess are you? - Click here to find out:
What did we drink and eat?
It was supposed to be Ouzo, but we get given a nominal amount (VERY nominal) to host the evening and unfortunately we didn’t have enough money left over to buy some Ouzo.
I had one wine spritzer and nibbled away at the mezze platters.
Our CEO bought us shots of coffee Tequila for a party well planned. I only had one shot. Tequila, coffee flavoured or chocolate flavoured (if there is) is just vile and dangerous!
What did we do?
Break a lot of plates and dance to some Greek music. Hopa!
Started at 17h00 and wrapped up at 19h45 or so.
What was missing?
Real life Apollos.
Part 2
I then went over to join B and V for V’s friend P’s farewell drinks.
The plan was to stay for an hour or so and NOT to touch anymore alcohol. I’m so ashamed, let’s just say I got home at 23h55, on a school night.
Day 11 - My Family
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My family consists of three people who love each other: me, my mom, and my younger sister (2 and a half years younger). Sonja Norward in the reality series Brandy and Ray J Family Business: that’s my mom, fiercely protective and involved. She loves me unconditionally. My mom worries about us ALL the time. She calls me as many times as she can during the day and hates the fact that I can be so difficult to get hold of at times (my phone is always in my bag, somewhere in the car, under piles of papers, in between the sheets, in a pocket – in the laundry bin) I swear, if she could, she’d even have the telephone numbers for all my favourite malls…I’d be walking merrily along from store to store and suddenly I’d hear *mall announcement system voice* “Delirious, please call your mom, she’s been trying to call you and you aren’t answering your phone. Please call her back immediately”. I’m grateful even for that, because some people don’t have anybody to care for them; let alone worry about them. I’m beyond blessed. I’m at my most content when we’re together, they can drive me absolutely nuts sometimes but there’s nowhere I’d rather be than home. I love my family. They are me.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Day 10: Music Player on Shuffle (First 10 Songs)
I thought it would hit me up with some nice Thursday grooves…oh well.
- Invisible: J-hud
- Magic: Zama Jobe
- You mean the world to me: Toni Braxton
- Dakota: Malaika
- How many ways: Toni Braxton
- Beto: Alex Lora
- Penny Lover: Lionel Richie
- Time: Neyo
- If this isn’t love: J-hud
- P.D.A (we just don’t care): John Legend.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Day 8 - What you ate today
X1 Savoury Pastry
X3 Sweet Pastries – Apple, Chocolate and Almond.
X1 Cup of Rooibos Tea
X1 Cup of Coffee
X1 Cup of Tea
X2 Chocolate Biscuits
X1 Lamb Chop + X1 Chicken Wing + Stoney Ginger Beer.
X2 Lindor Chocolates and Malva + Fanta Pineapple.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Il Weekend
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I went to N’s (let’s call her Nigella – she can throw down in the the kitchen) surprise birthday party and farewell. Nigella is off to Geneva for two years! She made this vanilla mousse the one time, I can’t even describe it, my brain gets moussed-up just thinking about it, it was pure perfection.
I need to practice my breaststroke; it’s going to come in handy when I have to swim over to visit all the movers (that savings account of mine officially needs Jesus).
That red velvet cake with the macaroons was rockers!
I was also supposed to be at F’s birthday party in Cape Town, but with that damn savings account looking so bleak there was no way in hell I was getting myself to the party unless…I’d started the walk there last year already. Sorry F! I’ll make it up to you promise :-)
Slept at 01h00 and was up and about by 07h00: getting my sister back to varsity, moving this, getting that. By 18h00 I was ready to sleep and wake up the next day.
What a day!
The Highlight:
My friend A organized a celebratory lunch with the girls: more cake, laughter, love and blessings.
I’m a lucky girl :-)
Right now I’m munching away on a double delicious serving of my leftover chocolate ganache birthday cake, nom nom nom.
My hips don’t lie.
Day 7 - 5 Pet Peeves
- People standing too close to me in the queue. Personal space? Ever heard of it? Just move back and don’t touch me!
- That funny sound people make when cleaning their teeth with their tongue. Uuurgh!
- People who take forever to get out of a parking space, even when they can see that you are indicating and are waiting for them to get out. SELFISH TWATS!
- Movie seat kickers *dirty look*.
- Remote hoggers who are constantly checking on what’s playing on the other channels while you’re watching TV or even take it further and channel hop! Just put it down! My sister used to like doing this, until one day I took the remote and hid it and our helper did not find it till 3 days later! She had to stand up every time she had to change the channel, let’s just say it was absolute bliss for 3 days *evil laugh*! Shame, taught her such a good lesson she convinced my mother to buy me my own TV and DVD player for my room.
- Slow people walking in front of me.
- Speed bumps.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Day 6 - Your Views on Mainstream Music
This is going to be a very short post. I’m absolutely knackered; I’ve had too much excitement for one day. Mainstream music…hmmm? Some of it is rubbish and some of it has me bopping to the beats all day long. It fills up those moments in the car when I’ve had enough of my own mixtape, it also reminds me that no matter how many hours I spend in the office and sometimes lose connection with the rest of the world, I’m still in touch and some things haven’t really changed much; including the catchy lyrics and synthesized singing voices. Original or unoriginal, I couldn’t really be bothered - I like what I like and they can play whatever they please on the radio. In my space; that’s another story. It’s like comparing cashmere and polyester.
Day 5 - Five things you want to say to your ex
Five things you want to say to your ex:
1. *blank stare*
2. *blank stare*
3. *blank stare*
4. *blank stare*.
5. …Silence. Nothing. Full stop.
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Saturday, 23 July 2011
Day 4 - Bullet your whole day
Catching up suuucks.
This is yesterday’s bulleted list.
This is yesterday’s bulleted list.
§ 06h00: One eye opens.
§ 06h30: The alarm goes off and I realize it’s now or never. Make my way with teeth
chattering to the bathroom. Put on the heater and shake my head at the state my place is
in: clothes everywhere. Tidy up a bit.
§ 07h00: Finish taking a bath, watch a bit of Expresso while getting dressed + woke
up quite hungry and took a bite of some chocolate and had 4/5 jelly babies.
§ 07h20: I finally make my way to work. Brave a little traffic for 5 minutes and then
it’s another 5 minutes of speed humps. 07h30! I get traffucked: the stretch of road
that takes me no more than 2.5 minutes takes me more than 10 minutes. Finally get
to work at 07h45.
§ 07h45 – 08h00: I make myself some cereal and hit that computer.
§ 09h15 – 10h15: Off with my colleague to the Fournos in Dunkeld and the Fruit and
Veg Market at Cramerview Shopping Centre + Fruits and Roots for some egg free,
wheat free and ‘all things nice – free’ cake.
§ 10h30: Back at the office to attend to some pressing issues.
§ 12h00: Post an entry on me blog.
§ 13h00: At my desk - eating some Custard Danish looking pastry that tastes
sinfully divine! A moment of silence for the person who made it.
§ 14h00: Get a reminder from my boss about something crazy urgent that has slipped
my mind print, fill-in and send.
§ 15h00: Send an email out to everyone about the cake fest at the bar – it’s a
combined belated cake fest for three people (Me, My colleague Miss. T, + our New
Business Development Director Mr. T). Hugs and well wishes all around and then
off to a Meeting.
§ 15h30: Meeting *Boregasm* Really, really at 15h30 on a Friday afternoon!
§ 16h00: I’m ready to go home now, I’m DONE.
§ 16h15: Colleague get’s an urgent, desk shaking call from Client and I stay till 20h00.
§ 20h15: Home sweet home. Eat and watch TV.
§ 10h00: Wake up startled – fell asleep while watching TV. Lights out! I can just hear
one of the interns at boarding school shouting, lights out!!Didn’t you hear the bell, what
are you still doing in the passage?
Day 3 - A book you love
I’m too lazy to write so I’ll just give you the names. Ok, probably a bit more then…
Plus, since I did not see any disclaimer at the bottom telling me that Ts and Cs apply. I will proceed to apply my own terms and conditions.
As usual, I’m “little miss want it all” and can’t just stick to the rules and list one book so I’ve listed three, actually more...
Plus, since I did not see any disclaimer at the bottom telling me that Ts and Cs apply. I will proceed to apply my own terms and conditions.
As usual, I’m “little miss want it all” and can’t just stick to the rules and list one book so I’ve listed three, actually more...
1. Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga
2. I also loved some Middle Eastern girl’s autobiography I read probably 8-10 years ago. Absolutely loved it. This book seeded my love for autobiographies. I can remember what the cover looks like but both my sister and I can’t remember the title. I’ll find it one day. I even texted my sister to find out what the title was and her reply was: “No, I still want it x”. I want to read it again.
3. Jackie Collins – Yeah, roll your eyes. Once I found these books in our school library I was hooked and have since read them all: Riders, Polo, The Man Who Made husbands Jealous, Score…I actually need to get myself a copy of her latest novel, Jump. Trashy melodrama at it best! My first crush was on Rupert Campbell Black and you can judge all you want :-) Love to hate him. Somebody has to read the trash and I’m here with my full support *Delirious defiantly lifts her chin*.
30 Day Challenge
So, I've kind of decided to join Mia in the 30 day challenge. Kind of? Cause I can just see myself falling of the wagon. I have already started, I did the first challenge: Five Ways to Win My Heart, but EVERYDAY?! So I’ve narrowed my list down to +/- 10 days (Lol).Trust me this girl loves a challenge but the follow through...can you hear me feet dragging? So, I’ve decided to create my own a la carte menu, that 30 item buffet was too much for me ;-) But I'll try...
Friday, 22 July 2011
Day 1 - Five ways to win my heart?
This post is inspired by Mia Farraday at
Five ways to win my heart? Psssh, only five?
Be Organized
I can be a scatterbrain at times, really random (here, there, everywhere) but I can be a bit anal, okay quite anal, so I expect the man to be organized as well. Trust me, I do not like organizing other people’s lives; I expect them to be able to be able to do that themselves.
Make me laugh
Period. point blank.
I don’t want a Loretta Devine slash Frank situation like in the movie “For Coloured Girls”: checking my drawers to see if he’s still there? Noooooh, not for me. Plus, when he says he’ll meet me at 19h00 I’m expecting 18h55. Can you hear the whip cracking?
I can plan. See the long lists on my blog, yeah that’s me. I need to know, need to know when, where, how, who, how, who :-). Basically, I need to know. Right down to dotting the Is and crossing the Ts. Yep, that’s me. Hottie: Let’s go to blah blah for lunch! Delirious: WHAT? I’d already decided we should go to blah blah; I can already taste what I’m going to eat.
Delirious: Seriously? You want to change?!
So, hottie has to be like this:
Hottie: what are you doing Friday?
Delirious lists an “all you can do list”.
Hottie: well I guess that’s going to have to change cities, what about you finish that list in a different city? *Now that’s what I’m talking about!*
Brain Power
Have a brain; please tell me something I don’t know.
Addendum (he he he):
a. He has to be over 1.75 metres tall. So what if I’m 1, 54 metres tall? Yeah I said it!
Do you hear Will and Jada complaining?
Be tall, walk tall, have some swag.
b. Be Brave
c. Be worldly-wise
d. Romance – this girl loves to be wooed, romanced and generally made a fuss about (seasoned, marinated, rubbed and massaged).
e. Will power: Say no to me, don’t be a pushover! But not too much willpower, Delirious likes having her way. This means he has to be patient too.
f. No Gorillas in the Mist and Neanderthals, just NOT ALLOWED. Although I do like a manly men :-) Please, he needs to have evolved.
Take notice, it’s about the little things too – grand gestures are great but the little things…they go a long way. Just be present.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Say Aah
I’m a hot mess today!
So yesterday, I thought “a celebration” nah! I’ll just wing it through the day, get off work early and do the things I like, like get me some ice cream, go to the movies etc. But sometimes nothing ever goes as planned.
So yesterday, I thought “a celebration” nah! I’ll just wing it through the day, get off work early and do the things I like, like get me some ice cream, go to the movies etc. But sometimes nothing ever goes as planned.
Go girl,
It’s your birthday
Open wide,
I know you’re thirsty
Say Aah (Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah)
Say Aah (Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah)
It’s your birthday
Open wide,
I know you’re thirsty
Say Aah (Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah)
Say Aah (Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah)
So I leave the office, and the plan is to go to Sandton City for some gelato from Baglios. I HATE that place but love their gelato. Re-route: I meet up with S (remember "friday corruptor" from this post I got my gelato alright and a whole lot more after that. So we end up going to the Butcher Shop for ONE glass of wine and then I had to be off to V’s house for dinner: so one glass turns into two, two glasses turn into birthday shots of Patron and bumping into a long forgotten and now (in the words of Evelyn Lozada) "non muthafucking factor" ex. Watev, but the highlight is that I fell: during the people. In my defense, the floor can be quite slippery, it’s a wooden floor and I swear I slip all the time on that floor but yesterday I took it a step further and fell. I can’t remember much I only realized when I was holding the floor and wondering what I was doing on the floor *dazed look*, what the actual f**! Even the waiters had a giggle. Classic YouTube moment. All of this is in front of the EX, whatever happened to looking hot and collected *just shoot me know*.
S is telling me my business by now, sulking away and threatening to de-friend me if I leave. But I held my ground and told her in my sternest voice that I promised A that I'd join her at V's house for dinner + it’s my birthday and I’m allowed to do as I please, “It’s my birthday S” ( he he). By now I’m calling A every 15 minutes and telling her that I’m on the way and I’m in the car and I don’t know why she can’t hear the car moving – I must have shouted something about German engineering at this point and told her to look outside:-) So I eventually make it 45 minutes later, get lost…but make it to din-dins with the girls.
Also saw Z, who I hadn’t seen in like forever. That was nice.
Din-dins with the girls!
Those poor poor girls, that fright of a person who walked in…tsk tsk tsk.
My attention span was nil at this point. I was dancing to everything, music, laughs, anything.
I was falling off ottomans, just a general hot mess.
Some of the things I said cannot be repeated over the airwaves.
Heartwarming stuff
There was even birthday cake :-) I saw candles...but don’t recall who blew them out…
Thanks girls – you really made my day special.
Ur the bestest!
Lurvs it.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Happy Birthday To Me!
May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell
Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die
She May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell
Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die
May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years
I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is
She, oh she
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Rome 2011
So, the plan was to be in Rome for my birthday this year. Well, between Rome and on the Club Med 2. So far, no Schengen visa, no ticket, NADA!
But I’m still going!
I guess it gives me a bit more time to plan my trip.
Where am I eating?
Those in the know recommend:
Bir & Fud
Trattoria Monti
Enoteca Corsi
Il Convivio
La Gatta Mangiona
San Crispino +/ Giolitti
What am I doing?
Teatro dell’ Opera
The Vatican
I love beautiful churches and apparently there are about 900 churches in Rome. I will have to narrow it down to my top 10.
The Borghese gardens
Eating insane amounts of gelato, try stopping me!
Immersing myself in café culture
Hiring a pink Vespa, no red, or pink? Or white?
Exploring the streets of Rome on foot
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Marveling at Rome’s magnificent fountains
Drinking the local wines
What am I listening to?
Italians chattering passionately around me.
The Prayer – Josh Groban and Charlotte Church
Mi Mancherai – Josh Groban
Per te – Josh Groban
Hymne a l’amour – Josh Groban
Salute – Whitney Houston
Ndawo Yami – Zama Jobe
What’s my name – Rihanna.
But I’m still going!
I guess it gives me a bit more time to plan my trip.
Where am I eating?
Those in the know recommend:
Bir & Fud
Trattoria Monti
Enoteca Corsi
Il Convivio
La Gatta Mangiona
San Crispino +/ Giolitti
What am I doing?
Teatro dell’ Opera
The Vatican
I love beautiful churches and apparently there are about 900 churches in Rome. I will have to narrow it down to my top 10.
The Borghese gardens
Eating insane amounts of gelato, try stopping me!
Immersing myself in café culture
Hiring a pink Vespa, no red, or pink? Or white?
Exploring the streets of Rome on foot
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Marveling at Rome’s magnificent fountains
Drinking the local wines
What am I listening to?
Italians chattering passionately around me.
The Prayer – Josh Groban and Charlotte Church
Mi Mancherai – Josh Groban
Per te – Josh Groban
Hymne a l’amour – Josh Groban
Salute – Whitney Houston
Ndawo Yami – Zama Jobe
What’s my name – Rihanna.
Black Swan
I remember a time of pliés, first and second positions, splits, jetés and arabesques – a pink candy floss land of crossover jerseys and chiffon miniskirts, of tutus, school hall ballet shows, and little feet tottering around on stage, backs straight, poised for the flash of the camera. Having my hair braided in thin twists the day before the exam, tied neatly into the biggest braided bun you’ve ever seen, wooow you should have seen it (Chris rock must stop judging, not all of us have “good hair”). Getting into my pink leotard with the number on the back, the pink tights and the pink shoes. I loved ballet and I was good at it, if I say so myself, I got an A+ for my exam, try out-dancing that Natalie Portman!:-) I can just hear my ballet instructor’s voice….*nostalgic sigh* – fun times. Imagine my delight when I found these gorgeous window displays online (see below). | |
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Magoebaskloof & Tzaneen
Another one of my favorite places in SA is Magoebaskloof; it’s in the Northern Province.
I first went there with my mother and the second time was for P’s sister’s wedding and every time I go there I just want to go back for more and more. It’s a place of effortless beauty, mist and intrigue.
The Coach House.
Kings Walden Garden Manor.
Both the Coach House and Kings Walden Manor are actually in Tzaneen, I just can’t remember the name of the country manor or lodge we stayed in Magoebaskloof the last time, it was also the wedding venue. Weddings can be a bit hectic, especially after the vows have been said ;-)
See and visit:
Modjadjiskloof – My mom loves Cycads, need I say more?
The story of the Rain Queen fascinates me.
The Boabab Pub – I was just fascinated by the fact that this big tree also doubles up as a bar. I can’t remember going in, too freaky and claustrophobic for me…but for experience enthusiasts this might be it. Whatev, I still won’t go in. Now that I think about it, it reminds of that big tree (in one of the Harry Potter movies) that bashes Ron’s dad’s flying car – too damn freaky.
Kings Walden Garden Manor: one of the most beautiful gardens ever – my mom and I talk non-stop when we’re together, but I swear when we stumbled upon this garden (we got lost on our way to the Coach House) we were gob smacked into silence. It was as if we’d stepped into a mythical land of fairies, gnomes and fairy dust. The grass was green and carpet like, the trees were tall with great spanning branches and the view at the edge of the garden, breathtaking. It was so beautiful, sometimes I feel as though I’m making this all up in my head. I hope these gardens are still as well-kept as when we last saw them. Wooow.
Why I’m going back:
I have to see the Cheerio Gardens – the word about town is that in September it all becomes a pink wonderland. I heart cherry trees; all those fluffy pink flowers make me feel so girly and gooey inside + Kings Walden Gardens, AGAIN.
What will I be wearing?
Enchanted Garden - polyvore set coming up next.
Cheerio Love - polyvore set coming up next.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Take a chance!
Let’s just say it was one of those days when nothing was going my way.
It was my cousin’s traditional wedding. There was just too much activity that week and I couldn’t take it anymore. I was basically a ticking time bomb.
My mom had asked that I drive her to Pretoria+/45 minutes away depending on the traffic, she didn’t want to drive herself – my sister had ducked and was off somewhere with my cousins. So I woke up late, got dressed in jeans and a red T- shirt, I guess it summed up my state of mind quite well – vexed! I picked my mom up from the wedding, drove to PTA, stayed there for the next hour and 45 minutes or so. It might have been less but it felt like ages. The only nice thing was the fact that it was a lovely sunny day outside. I drove back to the wedding and immediately feel stifled; I didn’t feel like socializing and now that I had been spotted by the rest of the family was not able to disappear. So I stayed for a bit, I was just miz. Bittersweet.
Then I started thinking about what was on at the movies and by this time it was probably 45 minutes till the movie started. I told my mom that I was going to go to the movies, it was now about 16h30 and nobody could tell me anything, I just didn’t care. I went outside said hello to a few people I hadn’t seen in ages, and headed off to my car. Before I got to Hyde Park my sister called and asked me to book a ticket for her and one of my cousins and I told them they’d have to hurry the hell up if they wanted to catch the movie. I got there and decided to wait for the next movie. The plan was to loiter walk around around a bit (loiter makes me feel like a mall lout), have some ice-cream and wait for my sister and maybe grab a quick snack or coffee before the movie. Let me tell you, by now I looked like I was carrying the world’s problems on my shoulders and about to cry at any minute.
Then I went into one of my favourite shoe stores and started looking at shoes. I was in my own little world; I hadn’t even realized that I was now the only person in the store except for this really tall guy, the store owner and the store assistant. He said “those look really good on you” and I just stared at him. I picked up another pair, he was busy looking at men’s shoes, I wore the second pair and he let loose another comment “You’ve, got really dainty feet” (I can’t really remember his second comment, but this what he must have said, hahaha). I really looked at him now and was like DAAMN DUDE, you’d look good on me too :-) but obviously “miss mad at the world” just looked mad and took the shoes off. By now I was back to my original height and he said “You’re perfect” I’m surprised I didn’t start crying at that moment, those words…just what the doctor ordered. He then asked for my number and I told him I don’t just give out my number and didn’t have much of a sense of humor to tell him to “Google me baby”. So there he was still trying to convince me and I noticed that he had a bit of an accent and I asked him where he’s from and he said he’s from the Caribbean - aaailand hotness I tell you. He was tall and lean; definitely some much needed 70% dark chocolate with double cream. Made Stella want to get her groove back for sure! It was as if we were the only two people in the store, actually we may just have been because the store owner and the store assistant were unashamedly quiet, watching us and probably putting bets on whether or not I’d give him my number. Shameless. I felt so watched. He gave up and left, then the store assistant starts telling me and I should have given him my number. REALLY! Now you tell me? Mscheew. He was fiiiione though.
Giving a random guy your number, would you do it?
At that time, I just had visions of Nightmare on George Street: what if he turned about to be a creep, a psycho or (god forbid), a stalker, a psycho-stalker, a mass murderer? Nkosi yam!
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