Thursday, 18 August 2011

Day 29: 5 weird things that I like
This is going to be a bit of a difficult one cause if I like them it automatically means they aren’t weird, right? I thought so too.

  1. Fruitcake: it’s not weird but a lot of people I know, except for my mom and one cousin, absolutely loathe it. This then puts it on the weird pile. I like the cherry fruitcake from Woolies with custard and I also like wedding cake fruitcake, including, wait for it…the marzipan. I’m the girl tracking down the bride and groom when they do their cake walk.
  2. Avocado and cheese on white bread sarmie: I like avocado and cheese (Gouda), on white bread (only white bread it can’t be brown or whole wheat, it doesn’t taste the same). WHITE. Also I don’t want salt on the avocado, I want Aromat. Yes, I’m black like that?  Can you see the light bulb going off at the top of the black-o-meter! One December, I had this sarmie every day for nearly the whole month.
  3. Sliced green apples and peanut butter.
  4. Babies
  5. Sweets (candy) before breakfast: eating sweets or having a biscuit or anything sweet before having my breakfast.

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