Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Winex Tales

Winex this year was quite fun.
We closet miss-behaved, cackle-laughed, stopped for hugs and chats, met up with “red-cakes” and “other applicants” but best of all we tasted some really good wines.
Oh, and I did the jigging-dance every time B* and I spotted SLV*, MO* and MPO*, fun times!

Our Favourites (not in any particular ordertoo difficult a decision):
    Meerlust Cabernet Sauvignon 2009
    The Tin Mine Cabernet Sauvignon

    Marina Cvetic
    Quoin Rock Oculus
    De Toren Fusion V
    As usual, I had to (HAD TO) go to the Krone stand. The wine is certainly not the only thing that sparkles at this stand: Mathew (his family owns the House of Krone) is quite the sparkler with his fine country charm and broad shoulders filling out his preppy striped shirt. He’s my crush of the week for sure. Plus, he always has interesting tidbits for the girls, this time it was something in the Rosé or was it the Nicolas Charles Krone - Marque 1 that has an aphrodisiac effect *for a moment there I thought he was talking about himself *. Last year’s yarn was: when you open the bottle of Krone the resultant sound is similar to the sound that a content woman makes?  B* made him blush and he gave us his number. Don't jealous us.
    B* told him she’d call him for info about wedding venues next to their wine estate, tee he he, really B*?
    She also had the Italian men at the Italian wine stand give her their full attention, at some point I swear she was behind the table that separates us disciples from the vino gods and goddesses. The Italians: I just argued with one of the guys, he’s going “no, no, no listen, you have to start with this one” and I’m going “no, no, no trust me I know which one I’m going to like” and I was right (I read their little descriptions). No Mario, no. Give me what I want Mario, he wanted me to taste the “younger brother” before I go for the “bigger brother” (his words) and trust me I’m always going to go bigger and better ;-) “Bigger brother” was full bodied and smooth.

    B*, fell in cougar lust and I’m going on a date with “you know who” in a couple of weeks (okay… not quite, but I’m working on it).

    B* are you still in ‘youngin lust’? She figured the crush would only last the night. I on the other hand was not convinced at all, the chemistry was crackling! Weooow, weeoow.
    Her message the next day read: Morning gals…the Cougar left in a pumpkin…lol”.

    As is the routine, the intercom came on at 9pm telling us the show was now over and we had to exit the hall. However, as much as we had tried to be responsible, we weren’t in any way fit to drive so we decided to grab some dinner at Wangthai, drink more water and sober up before going home. They’ve definitely spruced up the place since I last ate there. The food’s still good and I’ll definitely be going back for their beef noodles. Their Duck’s quite good too.

    We missed you P*!

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